Fundraising for the Sky Temple began in November 2023. We have already raised $112,000. The building will commence when we have raised $250,000. We are already nearly halfway there. Our final target is $1,000,000.
Our next fundraising event will be a dinner on Saturday 19th of October, hosted by the Venerable Thich Thien Tam, at the Hoa Nghiêm Temple in Springvale, 442-448 Springvale Road, Springvale South VIC, 3172 .

In September 2024 we will launch our website and Facebook page and begin our on-line fundraising campaign.
We are very grateful for the generosity of our local community and the Buddhist community in Melbourne, particularly the Venerable Thich Phuoc Tan of Chua Quang Minh Buddhist Centre, and the Venerable Thich Thien Tam of the Australia Buddhist Centre, at the Ấn Quang Pagoda, and their communities, the magnificent fundraising feasts they organised on our behalf and for their love and kindness to our community.
The Sky Temple will provide a sanctuary of peace and calm, brining together the wisdom of Buddhist teaching and Zen practice, with art and nature, to create a community centre of growth, healing and learning. The site has been blessed, a Bodhi tree has been planted, planning permission has been granted and we aim to commence the build in 2025/2026.The Sky Temple Pty Ltd is a registered charity. We are currently seeking Tax deductable gift status.